Visit Berat Terms and Conditions

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Visit Berat Terms and Conditions

150 150 Visit Berat


Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to any tours booked with Visit Berat, a travel company based in Berat, Albania. These Terms & Conditions govern the contractual relationship between Visit Berat and yourself. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully as by booking any tour with Visit Berat you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you have confirmed a booking on any tours with more than one client named and booked on such a booking, you shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions on behalf of all clients named in the booking (including minors and those with a disability) and therefore all clients in that group indicate their acceptance and agreement to these Terms and Conditions. The client who confirmed the booking is considered to be the selected contact person for all other clients named in that booking.

### Deposits & Final Payments
Upon booking a tour with Visit Berat, a 30% deposit is required to secure the tour and begin the necessary booking processes and ground preparations. An invoice will be sent to the client together with the payment instructions.

Final balance payment of the tour booked is required no later than 21 days before the tour starts. Bookings made within 21 days of the tour start date should be paid in full.

All payments made to Visit Berat should be free of bank charges and credit card transaction surcharges. Visit Berat is not responsible for any charges levied or charged by third parties and/or financial institutions and payable by the client as a result of credit card or other payment transactions in connection with the purchase of a tour and will not refund or return any fees charged by such third parties in connection with payments made by clients to Visit Berat.

Booking Agreement
A booking is confirmed and these Terms and Conditions shall apply when Visit Berat has received the applicable deposit from the client and the client has received written confirmation from Visit Berat of such booking. The client confirming the booking must be 18 years of age and above and agrees to provide full, complete, and accurate information as requested by Visit Berat to confirm the booking. Any client confirming a booking on any tours with more than one client named and booked on such booking represents and warrants to Visit Berat that:

1. They have all requisite consents and authority to make such a booking on behalf of all other clients named on the booking, and have communicated all necessary information to the other clients in order for them to give free and fully informed authorization to do so.
2. The information that they have provided regarding all clients is complete and accurate, and they have obtained all necessary consents and permissions to share such information with Visit Berat for the purposes of completing the booking.

Cancellation Policy
A client may cancel their booking by notifying Visit Berat. The applicable cancellation fees shall be determined with reference to the date on which the request to cancel is received by Visit Berat and are expressed hereinafter as a percentage of the total price paid for the canceled tour.

– (a) Cancellation received 35 days or more before the tour starts: No Cancellation Fees will be charged
– (b) Cancellation received 11 – 34 days before the tour starts: 30% Cancellation Fee will be charged
– (c) Cancellation received 3 – 10 days before the tour starts: 50% Cancellation Fee will be charged
– (d) Cancellation received within 48 hours before the tours starts: 100% Cancellation Fee will be charged
– (e) Tailor-made tours may be subject to alternative cancellation terms, which will be communicated to applicable clients at the time of booking.

Travel Insurance
Visit Berat does not provide travel insurance; therefore, the client must obtain travel insurance from their home country with the minimum recommended medical, evacuation, and repatriation coverage covering all applicable dates of any travel with Visit Berat. This insurance must cover personal injury and emergency medical expenses. It is strongly recommended that clients also extend their coverage to include cancellation and all other expenses that might arise as a result of loss, damage, injury, delay, or inconvenience occurring to the client. The cost of the tour does not include any insurance coverage for the client, and the client is required to obtain separate coverage at an additional cost to the tour price. When obtaining travel insurance, the client must ensure the insurer is aware of the type of travel to be undertaken so that the insurer may properly cover travel on the applicable tour.

Special Requirements
Visit Berat will strive to accommodate the special requests of clients, including (without limitation) dietary and accommodation requests, but such requests do not form part of these Terms and Conditions.

Prices, Surcharges & Taxes
Visit Berat will inform the client about surcharges on any tour products, but only for reasons arising from increases in taxes, or government action which impacts the price of the applicable tours, but only where the increase in question is substantial enough to warrant the right to impose these surcharges. Visit Berat shall provide notice to the affected client before the tour starts as reasonably possible upon learning of the necessity to impose a surcharge in accordance with this section.

Upon receiving notification from Visit Berat, the affected client(s) may elect to either:
– (a) cancel the applicable tour booking without incurring any penalty; or
– (b) accept the change of price.

The client must notify Visit Berat of their election within 14 days of receipt of notice of the increase, or they shall have been deemed to have accepted the price change and have accepted liability for payment of the increase.

The tour price includes VAT, City Tax, Accommodation, Tour Guide, Fuel, and Transport.

Guaranteed Departures & Cancellation of a Tour
Visit Berat guarantees all scheduled group tour departures that have been booked by a client shall depart as scheduled. A departure shall become guaranteed once at least one client has a confirmed booking.

If a tour is canceled by Visit Berat before the agreed date of departure for reasons not arising from Force Majeure or the fault or negligence of or within the reasonable control of the client, the client shall have the choice of:
– accepting from Visit Berat a substitute tour product of equivalent or superior value, where such substitute is reasonably available; or
– accepting from Visit Berat a substitute tour of lower value if no tour of equivalent or superior value is reasonably available, and to recover from Visit Berat the difference in price between the price of the tour originally purchased and that of the substitute tour; or
– accepting from Visit Berat a full refund of all monies paid for the canceled tour.

Cancellation of a Tour by the Client or Tour Operator
If the client is prevented through reasons completely beyond such client’s control from proceeding with a tour as booked, the client may, if possible, transfer his/her tour booking to a person who satisfies all the conditions applicable to the tour, provided that the client gives notice to Visit Berat of the client’s intention to transfer no less than 14 days before the date when the tour departure is due to take place. Where such a transfer is made, the transferring client and the transferee client shall be jointly and severally liable to Visit Berat for payment of the price of the tour (or, if part of the price has been paid, for payment of the balance) and for any additional costs arising from such transfer. For private tours, Visit Berat can also reserve the tour for a client should they decide to postpone the tour to a later date. The client, however, will be responsible for paying cancellation fees as per the cancellation policy and also for any unforeseen extra costs which arise until the client does the tour at a later date (i.e. – accommodation costs, transportation costs, fuel costs, dues, taxes or fees chargeable for services such as third-party supplier costs, currency and exchange fluctuations, park fees, increases in taxes, or government action which impacts the price of the applicable tours).

Cancellation & Changes
The client acknowledges their understanding that the route, schedules, timings, accommodations, itineraries, amenities, and mode of transport may be subject to change without prior notice due to circumstances or events, which may include sickness or mechanical breakdown, incidents in the location where the tour will be operated, flight cancellations, strikes, events emanating from political disputes, entry or border difficulties, extreme weather, and other unpredictable or unforeseeable circumstances which are beyond the reasonable control of Visit Berat and that Visit Berat is not liable to any client for such changes or amendments.

Visit Berat shall not be liable to pay any discounts or refunds for missed or unused services which were missed or unused by the client due to no fault of Visit Berat, its suppliers, or representatives, which shall include any termination of the client’s participation in the tour due to the client’s own fault, negligence, or breach of these Terms and Conditions.

In some circumstances, we may be notified by our accommodation providers that our reserved accommodation is no longer available, due to reasons that are beyond our control, and not the fault or negligence of Visit Berat. In such circumstances, we will provide alternative accommodation of at least the same standard or higher standard.

Visit Berat assumes no liability for complaints that are not properly brought to the attention of Visit Berat with sufficient notice to resolve or attempt to resolve any client complaints. Any complaint made after the completion of a tour must be received in writing by Visit Berat within 30 days of the end of the tour in question.

Visit Berat is not responsible for any damages, expenses, losses, or claims which are attributable to the fault of any client, the unforeseeable or unavoidable act or omission of a third party unconnected with the provision of any services that form any part of the tours, or a force majeure event.

Visit Berat shall have no liability for loss, theft of, or damage to baggage or personal effects of clients while participating in a tour. Clients should not leave personal belongings unattended in any public areas, on board any mode of transportation, or elsewhere, and are responsible at all times for their own effects and belongings. Visit