How to get from Berat to Osum Canyon

How to get from Berat to Osum Canyon

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Information on how to get from Berat to Osum Canyon

You can use public transport to travel from Berat to Osum Canyon. The most convenient option is to take a bus from Berat to either Corovoda or Skrapar, which are both gateway cities to the canyon.

Please note the following details:

– The bus journey from Berat to either Corovoda or Skrapar takes approximately 2 hours.
– There are two departures from Berat to Skrapar.
– However, it’s important to consider that using public transport might not be the best option if you plan to return to Berat on the same day. The last bus from Skrapar to Tirana (which you can also use to return to Berat) departs around 14:00.
– Additionally, the best points of access to the canyons are located approximately 10 km from the city of Skrapar.

  • Taking a return transfer with a local driver is also a good option as this will give you more time to explore and stop in several view points. You can contact us for rates

Where to take the Bus ( At the Map Location located in this post )


Given these factors, if you’re planning a day trip from Berat to Osum Canyon, it’s advisable to plan your return accordingly or consider alternative transportation options for flexibility.

Visitor Information:

Buss times
Buss from Berat to Skrapar ( Corovoda ) Departing 09:00 am and 11:00 am

Every day

Panoramic Route
The journey to Corovoda offers nice views of Osum valley 
It takes approx 2 h journey from Berat to Get to Skrapar. 60 KM 
The last buss departing from Skrapar to Tirana is around 14:00 

You can use this buss to come back in Berat

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